Things that grow in Lesotho

About Kendall

Undoing white supremacy and capitalism, one photograph at a time.
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14 Responses to Things that grow in Lesotho

  1. Bill says:


    • Kendall says:

      Thanks, Bill. I would have loved to bring some back for you, as you once gave me such a beautiful bouquet: but I only brought the pictures.

      • Bill says:

        more than enough…just glad you were able to make the journey and come home safe and sound…the pictures are just fine…

  2. John Guarino says:

    What an intriguing combination of arid and wet.

  3. Evergreengirl says:

    Well, ya got me of course! Let’s see – Aloes and Agaves, Euphorbias (I think), mystery plants (!), Roses (that’s easy!), apricots?, Bottlebrush (Callistemon), mystery plant (a lily of some sort?), cactus (who I wonder?), and some sort of poppy. I’m not sure I did very well! Oh well, I’d have liked to see all of them in person.

    • Kendall says:

      You are my favorite plant-identifier, my primary resource for the names of things, and as always, you do a fine job of it. The spiral aloe is my favorite–such fun to photograph, and I was so lucky to catch it right after a rain.

  4. Barbara Charman says:

    What beautiful photos. I recognise the aloe and bottlebrush from Miami, though I’ve never seen the spiral aloe. It fascinates me how the same plants can be found on different sides of the world.

  5. leiflife says:

    So much beauty: the jewels to be found in a country of so much poverty. You certainly brought back riches: riches of the earth and of the human spirit, riches of experience and memory – to share. Thank you for the bounty, dearest friend.

  6. Ann says:

    Seeing the beauty of what grows in Lesotho, through your eyes, is probably the closest I’ll ever get to see Africa. I am happy your camera worked fine. I am happy they have this beauty to look at. Thanks for sharing, Kendall, thanks for bringing those treasures, those stories to our attention.

  7. Betsey L. Josselyn says:

    That camera obeyed your gifted eye and captured such beauty for you to share. Thanks from me.

  8. suenosdeuomi says:

    One plant I believe we call Red Paintbrush. Many look like what we have here in the arid Southwest. What I especially love is the round mud hut, what a fascinating structure, one that surely speaks to my heart.

  9. Beautiful photos, truly wonderful!

  10. These are superb. Thanks so much for the link!

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